Talk to a Lawyer By the Hour

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$ 300.00 CAD

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Hiring a lawyer to represent you in your personal injury settlement can be expensive. If you win, most lawyers change around 30-40% of your total settlement amount (an arrangement called "contingency"). This can cost you tens of thousands of dollars.

Worse yet, if you have a case that might be difficult to win, or a claim that is smaller than $50,000, you might not even be able to find a lawyer willing to help you.

Because lawyers only charge you the 30-40% contingency fee if you win your case, most personal injury lawyers will only take on larger cases that they are 100% sure they will win.

For many injury victims, this can often mean that they're unable to find a lawyer willing to help them at all.

However, don't despair! PainWorth has worked hard to find lawyers across Canada who are willing to provide information and advice on an hourly basis. Purchase one hour of legal consultation here, and we will reach out to you within 1-2 business days and connect you via video call with a lawyer in your jurisdiction who will provide you with up to one hour of legal advice and information.

Afterwards, you can:
-Settle your personal injury claim on your own;
-Continue to purchase legal advice by the hour, if you need more questions answered;
-Or consult our directory of personal injury lawyers across Canada if you'd like to explore hiring a lawyer full-time.